
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good

I am borrowing a little something from Meg at Running Just As Fast As She Can  She titles all her blog posts with song lyrics.  So clever.  I will be honest I don't know most of them.  However, my success rate has gone up a little because she is using Christmas songs this month.

I have made a big decision.  My husband has hidden our scale from me until January.  The past few weeks have been miserable with the scale. I am not sure exactly what is going on, but my weight is going crazy. I know I am not working out and tracking like I should be, but I don't find the gains I am experiencing credible.  I don't know if my hormones are out of whack and it is making my weight bounce around.  All I do know is that it is making my crazy.  I can't be starting every morning standing on the scale crying. It is a horrible way to start the day and I have had enough. I am struggling more than enough emotionally this holiday season without torturing myself on the scale. 

I know some will think I am making a huge mistake and that I am giving myself permission to go hogwild. I have some concerns myself.  However, I know that what I am doing now is NOT working.  Therefore, I am willing to give up what I know is not working and try something that might work. As you all know, the biggest part of our weight loss/fitness battle is mental and at the moment my mental state feels more fragile than my physical state.

I am not giving up! For the next few weeks, I have decided to focus on walking. Out of bed and out the door for three mile walks before the excuses of the day can derail me. I feel both physically and mentally stronger when I start the day with a good walk. I get a greater boost in my self-confidence from a good walk than I do from saying no to a piece of candy or a Christmas cookie.  With flagging self-confidence, I am looking for the avenue that will get me back to "normal" the quickest.

Back to the title of this post. Bustin' my hiney with some morning walking makes me feel good. I would like to springboard into enjoying simple holiday pleasures. The other day when I took the slow walk I took a ton of pictures of various neighborhood Christmas decorations. So to lighten this post I am sharing what I would see everyday if I weren't speed walking in the dark.

I thought this flag was odd, until I realized I was just looking at it from the wrong side :)

I have noticed these people change out their porch decor every season.  I especially like the little round pillows.  So festive.

Thought of Des at Finding the Skinny Geek Within when I saw this little Mickey hiding in the courtyard.  She just got back from a fantastic vacation at Disney.

This fun guy is my current favorite.

With a little styling this truck could be the most adorable Christmas decoration in the whole neighborhood.

We have never done lights or decorations at our house...maybe next year we could start.  In the meantime, I will enjoy those around me.

Weigh In Wednesday


  1. Aww I'm loving seeing all the decor! You are right, with a little TLC that truck would make a great Christmas Decoration! I am in love with that T-Rex balloon and of course, the Mickey one! :) I like the idea of your hubby hiding the scale. Seems like a good idea to me! Great job getting up and getting it done before you have time to think about it!

    1. I am thinking about walking in other neighborhoods to see more that too stalkerish?? I knew I didn't have the willpower to just not weigh and he is a good hider, so I am safe from the scale for now.

  2. Oh, and Ghostbusters theme.. by Ray Parker Jr. :D

    1. I know, too easy. If I know it, everyone does :)

  3. Yay, so glad I am inspiring people to use song lyrics. I actually got that from a blogger I followed years ago who no longer blogs.

    Yes, hide the scale. You are 100% correct that your mental health is just as if not MORE important than your physical weight loss. And yep, hormones are screwy things and take a while to clear your system which could explain the gains. I'm sending your husband a hug for getting that and saving you from yourself.He's a good man.

    And I'm sending you a hug, too. You're awesome!

    1. My husband and I are constantly communicating with song of says something innocent and the it reminds the other of a song. At least he has a good voice :) Yes, he is very good to me. He was teasing me this morning "are you missing anything?" "are you looking for something". I haven't even tried to find it - he is a great hider and my search would be futile.

  4. You know what we should do? Walking at the zoo to see the Christmas lights! Shoot me an email or text if you're game :)

    1. I am not sure when I can do it, but let me talk to my husband and see if we can figure something out.

  5. You should definitely start decorating. It looks like something you would enjoy. I couldn't wait to put up my decorations this year. I recommend going to Target (or similar store) the week after Christmas is over. I got all my decorations for 90% off last year. I spent $7 on stuff that should have cost me $70!

    1. I think I am going to talk to my husband about some decorations for next year. Those sound like some good bargains :)

  6. Girl I am right there with you... right now I have to stay with the scale because it keeps me on track BUT it can totally set the mood for the whole day. Good job putting it away for a while... this time of year is too great to be kept down by the number on the scale!

    1. Normally, I would agree - frequent weighing seems to help me, but at this point I need to try something different. Hopefully, it will work :)
