
Monday, January 12, 2015

Try Try Again

And that is why I am grateful that this is not skydiving. I was full of excitement and grand plans for the new year. Day after day I have come up with a new excuse for not really "starting." Here it is January 12 and I am taking another stab at it.

Last Thursday I signed up for a weight loss challenge at a local chiropractor's office. It is an 8 week Biggest Loser style contest. We will weigh in each week and the person with the highest percentage weight loss will get their entry fee money back. Then the three with the highest overall percentage lost at the end of the contest will win additional cash prizes. I admit, at this point, I am not thinking that I will be in competition for the overall winner. My goal is to get myself back on track, lose what I have gained over the last couple months and hopefully, at least win my entry fee back. 

I have three major goals this week:

1.  Prepare healthy dinners - I have been a bit of a slacker in this department. Not being prepared has lead to all kinds of unhealthy choices.
2.  10,000 steps each day -  I have been playing with my Fitbit for a week or so and now it is time to make it earn its keep :) 
3.  Drink 100 oz. water each day - This might be a little more than I need, but I want to flush my system of all the junk I have been eating lately.

Anyone else out there struggling to get this new year off to a great start?


  1. Dude, I am so there with you. It's so ahrd to get abck to it once you slip, but you've totally got this!

    1. I feel a bit like I slipped in a ravine...ugh! All I can do is keep trying to claw my way out :)

  2. Today is my Day 1. I've been battling a cold (or three!) on and off since Thanksgiving. I finally feel back to almost 100%. So yesterday I went grocery shopping and did some food prep for the week. Tonight I'm finally getting back to spin class. Looking forward to feeling healthy again. You can do this!

    1. Hurray for feeling better...colds stink. Sounds like you are well on your way - happy day 1!

  3. Yep I'm with you. Those are some good goals though and I know you can do this!

    1. Hang in there. I do feel like these are goals I can "will" I? Stay tuned...

  4. You are on this! Those are excellent goals! You can do it!

    1. Thanks Meg! I tried to be specific and not overwhelming. But I didn't want them to be "weak" goals that won't get me anywhere.

  5. I totally feel you! I feel like I've been on auto pilot telling myself it's time to get off my rump but I can't seem to actually make it happen. Wednesday will be my official starting day to get this weight off! You've got this and good luck on the biggest loser!

  6. I think those are all very achieveable goals. Go get it!

  7. What do you find you are struggling with the most? I find that when I struggle to do what I think is the right thing, it's really more that I'm trying to force a change that I don't want and isn't going to work for me in the long run. (ie, trying to eliminate stuff from my diet that I really like because it's not something I'm "supposed" to eat). I had an issue awhile back where I just did not want to exercise and would blow it off, and finally admitted to myself that it was because I was attempting to force myself to do exercises that I hated. As soon as I was like, "I'm just going for walks and doing whatever speaks to me because that's what I like, even if it makes me lose weight slower" I was able to get up and exercise without arguing with myself. That's when the weight started dropping off for me. Think "want to" vs "have to". I hope that helps!
